Sunday 6 March 2016

Activity 10 Summarising my PG Learning Journey and Planning for the Future

It's not the end ... it's just the start.

So to be reflecting is really identifying the next step for me.

Reflective practice is the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning. According to one definition it involves "paying critical attention to the practical values and theories which inform everyday actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively.

I am going to use Rolfe’s model of reflection as a basis for moving my learning forward(Rolfe, 2011).  A benefit of this is that the so what action is linked to the now what next steps.  I am going to work through these stages as a framework for this final blog entry.
The What
Where was I at before I started the at the Mindlab?
I have been a teacher for 26 years - I am a lifelong learner and have upgraded my qualifications for the duration of my career. Going from a Diploma of Teaching to a Bachelor of Teaching, Grad Cert TESOL, Post Grad Cert Educational Leadership and now this Post Grad (Applied Practice) Digital & Collaborative Learning. 
I was excited about the Applied Practice aspect of the course and was not disappointed. Going back to school and 'doing' some of what we were learning helped with my own learning - as is illustrated in Edgar Dale's Cone of Learning (1969), I remember a lot more when I teach someone else - I have to.

So What?

Criteria 4: Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of professional personal practice.
I have maintained a professional learning blog, will be attending 3 days professional declopment in the  upcoming holidays - Gafe Summit and a Core Education whole day on Innovative Learning Environments. 

I have applied for the Core Education Pasifika Education Scholarship for 2016 so that I can some research around a MakeHERspace with the girls only class I teach - planning well underway. I am routinely collaborating with my colleagues on site , Google +, email and blogs with regards to innovative ways to use them.

Criteria 5: Show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning.
I am a tutor teacher for a BT in a Year 1 class. I have helped her to make rewindable learning visible using qr codes in her literacy and numeracy rotations. Strategically placed qr codes have been greeted by the students with much excitement and enthusiasm.
I have updated ALL of the blogs in the school and created new ones where needed. They are all linked to one another. We have participated in Tuhi mai Tuhi atu - which saw 4 schools collaborate with blogging.
I have facilitated a successful Parent evening on Digital Learning at my school.
I have given 1-1 PD to staff on a range of things such as blogging,Google slides, Planning using a digital format = PLANBOOK, greenscreening,chrome extensions to name but a few.
I contribute to the strategic plan for digital learning and attend meetings regarding this. I also attended the ERO Curriculum Planning meeting in my role as Digital Pedagogical Leader.

Criteria 7: Promote a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive learning environment
I make sure I am available to staff at break times as and when needed (frequently needed for all manner of things - setting things up, changing settings - repairs etc.
Do requent walk throughs whenever possible looking at how ipads and gear is or is not being used and being proactive and asking "Are there any problems I can help with?" of teachers and students in our 1-1 device classes. 
Making sure everyone has everything they need for their learning. 
Supporting teachers who are finding DCL a challenge and being VERY patient with them as I show them how to save they are very grateful.

Now What?
Where to from here?  What goals do I have to move this learning forward?
One criteria that I would like to develop further capacity and capability in addressing is 
Criteria 9: Respond effectively to the diverse and cultural experiences and the varied strengths, interests, and needs of individuals and groups of ākonga.
That's why I have applied for the Pasifika Scholarship through Core Education who are looking for an innovative approach that could help promote effective and equitable teach wanting and learning for Pasifika learners.
The CORE Education Pasifika Grant provides professional and financial support to undertake a teacher inquiry/project aimed at bringing about change in early childhood education (ECE) or classroom practice for the benefit of your Pasifika learners
For me at my school that's a MakeHERspace for the Year 7 & 8 Girls only class I teach. 
Starting with a EOTC experience at Mindlab of course.
Also focussing on getting all the class sites up and online by end of Term 2 now that the blogs are sorted.

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